Friday, September 26, 2008


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't homecoming suppose to be the time when we show the MOST pride in our schools? I mean think about it...we have a dance after a football game then parties to follow the dance. Mind you the dance can really suck if you lose the games and the parties will suck if there is drama at the dance. Being a highschool senior I have compiled some tips on how to ensure a great homecoming.

10.) Pick out a kick ass outfit who cares what your friends think be happy with the skin you're in.

9.)go to dinner at a place you know has food that wont upset your stomache.

8.) participate in all school dressup days GO ALL OUT encourage your friends to do it too its always fun when you let lo0ose

7.) Go To See if not participate in, the school homecoming parade.

6.)vote or run for homecoming king or queen whether you think you stand a chance or not. you're beautiful let it show

5.) leave something to the imagination dont show off you're body to the point of bad rep.

4.)go to dinner and the game in an outfit other than your dress or suit dont want to ruin you outfit

3.)go for a date that you have fun with who wont get mad if you dance with your friends

2.) if you go as a group keep it small so theres less chance for drama

1.)HAVE FUN its only so long you get to be a kid so PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR LOL

Live Love Leave


boredom blog

Ok so im sitting here in class next to Shawn Jones. He reminds me of charlie manson. Our teacher has us working on a website called to learn better skills for life and testing. Or so she says. Now I'm not saying that as a teenager I know everything but I know when I'm learning something and when its just a waste of time.
In other news Winndixie (the grocery store i work at) is giving me as much trouble as ever. Yesterday I had the worst migraine ever (slight exaggeration but still) and so clearly I went to the doctor. I couldnt even get up to go to school. So after the doctor time 1:29 pm I went to let my job know i wouldnt be able to work that day. Mind you I thought I was scheduled to work at 2 so I thought I gave them time to find someone to replace me. However, they informed me that i would be written up because their schedule had me in at 1. What kind of crap is that?!? Anyways

Live Love Leave


Thursday, September 25, 2008

political stance

Everyone is effected by presidential elections whether they realize it or not and sooner or later everyone cares about it. Now I will admit some care more than others but noone really cares enough. Personally I don't think either of the main choices are right for this country. Both have some nice ideas but think about it. Do you really think we are ready for a black president? There are still racists in this country who will probably plot to assassinate him and as for mccain. Well no offence to the guy but i think he is a little too old to be president he might croak right after being elected from shock or something. please feel free to share your opinions

Live Love Leave


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

GI Class Of 09 Bored

So I am sitting here in GI class and we are doing absolutely nothing. I mean clearly she has told us what to do but it isn't something that takes alot of brain power. Honestly, sometimes I wonder if this lady even realizes that she is teaching highschool students, who are about to go off to college, rather than preschoolers. We color, we have story time, we even play charades. This is a pretty fun class to be in do to the lack of work you have to do, but at the same time it upsets me because I would like somewhat of a challenge. Even so, it is nice to not have to use your brain too much at 7 15 in the morning. Not to mention the fact that I am out of school every day at 1020. At this moment I am suppose to be looking for free websites to practice the SAT and stuff on. There is other stuff that has happened and I will update you all on that when I have another free moment. Till then

Live Love Leave
